Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My Struggle

Who REALLY want to accept their faults !?
I will, but it's definitely for the wrong reason.
I've realized that if I admit them, it will hurt less
If you have someone admitting them.
It makes you feel like shit
My stomach hurts, as always
I had icecream. LOL
Ok, I'm not writing a poem, but I feel like it. I don't know how poems are supposed to come about. My best ones are when my emotions are at whatever high or low. I suppose emotions are high, no matter what they actually are. Maybe, that's like a standard thing...ya know. People feel something strongly, so they write a poem about it. The first one I wrote, I edited like crazy. I really think its sums it up, just don't know if it makes any sense to the person who doesn't know what I'm talking about. Is that something that poets worry about or do they just write with passion in hopes that readers will connect. Back to the subject of feeling like i've been punched into my stomach.

I miss the life where I got everything I wanted and I didn't have .. enemies.When I say I got everything I wanted, it wasn't without problem. But, failure came about through a huge effort on my part, not because of the opposite. MISTAKES. ugh. it's frustrating. I have never been a goody two-shoes in the eyes of say, my mom. But people definitely put me in that category. Then, I decided to subconciously rebel. geezlouise, seriously Brittany.

I wonder if it's weird that I have a list of girl and boy baby names that I like....

To have your faults slapped on the table is like being catupulted in a dingy van and then kicked in the kidney, among other things. Maybe I have trouble facing my faults.

I guess what I have realized is that with or without you people will learn. I see someone I know, his eyes are opening. He is no longer sure of anything..and I like it. Life is not meant to be lived sure 24/7. Being uncertain, you can either caress it or fight it. Maybe, I'm not making the impact I want on people Maybe, through life experiences (whatever that means) they will learn.

Maybe no one is never who they say they are.My problem is being who I want to be, but I DO love who I am.

It's a struggle cuz I wanna please you
Gotta raise my hand, gotta bend my knees too
-Tye Tribbet.

Oh, I know what this is. PMS. yeah, really. I've been an insightful, impatient sourpuss all day.  But don't excuse me, this is necessary. Yes, I even cried today. But it was warranted, trust.

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