Monday, August 16, 2010

I just made the greatest realization
I need to make new friends in my hometown.
I've never been close friends with people from high school now that i have amazing friends in college.
now i have a comparison of how great friendships that i've never had
i know, it sounds like a sad, sad story .
but hey, it's just been my life . never sad . just life.

i've realized that I don't really have many people to hang out with while at home and some of the options I have I don't even know them that well. They aren't my true friends for whatever reason. That is fine. I just don't have a solid group of friends. That is fine. It is just interesting to realize that I need to meet different people and I don't think I've ever had wanted to meet new people in such a non-organized place. It's differnt to want to meet new people at school because there are limits. In a big city, how is that possible. I obviously need something to do to meet people. But honestly, there is no need because I head home so soon.

I've just never really thought about my friends in long beach to this extent. It's interesting and great. If I feel that way, it's nice to know that I can always make a change in my life. With effort, like trying to meet a boyfriend. not comparable. not that you need friends, but i def don't need a boyfriend:)

This may seem trivial or stupid or whatever to you. But that's ok . You know every person has there own thing. You proabably know from experience that apparently but not really seemingly .

I hope you catch my drift.

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